July 21, 2024

Karma Comes to America

I was a student at Cornell in 1965 or '66, when 10 or 12 members of the SDS decided to try to block a ROTC awards ceremony, to take place in the gym. Reaction against them was fierce; the cops had to form a cordon to protect them, so they could leave the room unharmed. (Today, the cops would just beat them senseless.) Of course, in the fullness of time, they were proved right: our war on Vietnam was barbaric and unjustified, and the student body of Cornell—most of them, that is—were little more than brainwashed fools. Much like the rest of the country.

And so now we drift toward fascism, our karmic destiny. In May, I gave a talk at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, and a young woman asked me: “Can you say exactly when the US will collapse?” It was funny, in a dark sort of way. I said to her: “Just look around. It’s happening even as we speak.” (I talked about the national debt, the daily massacres, the widespread corruption, the intellectual poverty of our universities, and so on.) The fact is that Americans are suffering. Economically, certainly, but also emotionally and spiritually. They are an angry, depressed people. And from one pt of view, they deserve to be punished; I personally believe they brought all of this on themselves. But the word "punishment" doesn’t really work in this context, because it implies that you understand what it is you did wrong. And Americans simply cannot grasp this; they believe they did nothing wrong. They may be naïve and stupid, but this response is honest, at least. Here’s what most of them might say:

-They told me to hustle, so I hustled. They told me life was abt material acquisition, so that ’s what I pursued. (And now, my life is empty, because consumerism is empty.)
-They told me socialism was evil, had absolutely no redeeming features. I believed them. (Now I see I could have benefited from an expansion of socialism beyond Social Security.)
-They told me that we were right to kill off the Native Americans, and shove what was left of them onto reservations. I agreed with this, although truth be told, I never gave it much thought. (I can see now, in retrospect, that the “kinship world view” seems a much better way to live than capitalist competition.)
-I cheered America’s wars (until we lost them), in Vietnam and elsewhere. Imperialism, genocide—these things were OK with me, because I believed America could do no wrong. Any country we opposed was by definition evil. -I rejected, ignored, or hated those Americans who provided fundamental critiques of our way of life—or really, any critiques. (There were plenty of these around; I didn’t want to hear about it.)
-I also looked with scorn on anyone who was different, who cared about the life of the mind, who didn’t think that becoming rich was a meaningful goal of life. I hated intellectuals, and I had no use for poetry, which I regarded as irrelevant, or even stupid.

Here is a critic whom Americans would have hated, if they even knew he existed: Wallace Shawn, in The Fever:
“Cowards who sit in lecture halls or the halls of state denouncing the crimes of the revolutionaries are not as admirable as the farmers and nuns who ran so swiftly into the wind, who ran silently into death. The ones I killed were not the worst people in all those places; in fact, they were the best.”

Looking back now at that SDS confrontation with ROTC: Who were the best people, in that gym so long ago? The SDS, who were trying to stop a cruel and immoral war, or the student body, who were blindly soaking in hatred for them, out of a misguided sense of patriotism?

And in general: Are Americans the best? My guess is that History will judge us as being among the worst. So let’s embrace our karma, in the form of Trump and fascism. It will ring down the curtain on one of the most violent regimes in the history of the world.

(c)Morris Berman, 2024


  1. Michael-

    If you were referring to me in your last paragraph, I think an apology might be in order.


  2. Great introductory essay as usual, Doctor. The endemic gun violence of course also adds to this wasteland’s karmic destiny. That being said:
    Go Philly! Another mass shooting in our “Chicago East”! It deserves the highlight for this wasteland’s unique among nations daily violent occurrence.

    The above article didn’t have any video footage of the gunfire itself. But one of our deadly violent road rage shootings here in the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.! came to the rescue. Take a look how one angry USAin summarily blows another angry pistol-toting USAin away during a vehicular argument. Perhaps the new motto here in the planet’s most deadly violent but “exceptional” 2nd Amendment/gun-loving pathetic country is: “When in doubt, take ’em out!”

    It also just goes to show the buffoons in this shitty country definitely listened to Archie years ago.

  3. Mr. Berman,

    Your gentle words about a bygone time brought back fond memories of my own antiwar efforts over the years. The first demonstration was in Kingsport Tennessee in 1971 during the town's Armed Forces Day parade. It was a couple of weeks after the Kent State Massacre. My brother, an avowed socialist, managed to string together two dozen teenagers to march on the parade. The air was electric. The crowd went apeshit. The shouts went something like: "why don't all you hippies go to hell!" We held up our signs and we stayed close to each other to make sure no one got hurt. I was so proud of my older brother that day and my younger brother, too. I went off to college a year later, and my older brother got drafted and was sent to Germany. My younger brother died of AIDS in 1991. I was on the ramparts so to speak for the next thirty years until I realized, with your help, that nothing was going to change. Now I prepare for the NMI life. That's my American story. I have never known any braver kids than that ragtag bunch of hippies in Kingsport Tennessee. I apologize in advance for no references and for for being too long.

  4. Joe-

    Gd slogan, I like it!


    No apology necessary; we welcome personal testimony, if it's relevant (wh/yrs obviously is). The bottom line is that the "ragtag bunch of hippies" was the best America had to offer, and the haters--probably 98% of the country in the context of the war in Vietnam--represented the worst. Not that things have changed very much in the ensuing decades. The haters won, my friend; what cd be more obvious? It's their country, not ours.


  5. Flyingspagettimonstr7:59 PM

    This is what young folks in Amerikkka are most worried about. GODDAMN SOCK LENGTH. Meanwhile the nation is crumbling @ the seams. It's really no wonder it has no future


  6. Fly-

    Americans of any age have shit for brains. You see this everywhere you look. Let me add that Schmiden is a complete piece of dreck, an abs. awful human being.


  7. mohamed ali11:04 PM

    The title for your new post reminded me of Malcolm x when JFK was killed in 1963. I was born in 1990 so I just learned about it on the internet . Back then many people attacked Malcolm x including the Nation of Islam for saying JFK being killed was chickens coming home to roost. But he was right.
    Also did you know the AR15 rifle is the weapon of choice for mass shooters in America? It’s karma because the AR15 was developed in the 1960s to be used in Vietnam to kill brown people and now it’s killing Americans. Also you were at Cornell in 1965. Did you watch Malcolm x speak on tv? Just curious.

    Here is the link to the Malcolm x video


  8. Wafers-

    Here's an election update. Overall, Trumpi is ahead of Schmamala by about 2%, in various polls. This caught me by surprise, as I thought he wd be doing better than that. Which means that there is some chance Schmamala cd win, assuming she will be the Dems' nominee. Which I wd prefer, myself, since she is so vapid and empty, and thus v. representative of the American people as a whole. But I'm guessing Trumpi will out-trump her on Nov. 5. Just a guess, however. Either way, of course, we're going down the drain--faster w/Trump, but The End is clearly in sight.


  9. Randy Hughes11:50 PM

    Mike Kelly, I am from Kingsport, Tn too! Born 1960.
    Reading your comment and seeing our bond, has prompted me to come out of years and years of lurking on this enjoyable blog.
    Thank you, Dr. Berman for all the work. Hopefully i am signed up properly now, and look forward to properly participating,

  10. Randy-

    Don't lurk; live!


    I agree, he was rt. I'm sure I watched the events around Malcolm during that time, but I didn't have any real understanding of what it all meant. In addition, MLK was much more in the news at the time, and captured most of my attention.


  11. Couple things about those Kamala poll numbers:

    First, the national numbers are meaningless, as all that matters are the 9 battleground states that have any chance of going one way or the other. Dreadful gorgon Hillary won the popular vote and lost the election, same with Gore v. Bush. So the media are basically trying to keep people interested in an election that is already over by making it sound as if Kamala needs to make up just a point or two. Fact is Trump is WAY up in 7 of the 9 battleground states which is why Biden was thrown under the bus:


  12. Budget-

    You cd be rt, but you haven't produced any evidence to the effect that Trumpi is ahead of Schmamala in the swing states. I did some Googling on the topic, but wasn't able to find any hard data on the subject. So I dunno what yr sources are.


  13. Greetings MB and Wafers

    I am somewhat confused. Until now I was under the impression that Kamala was considered incompetent, but now all of a sudden, she is portrayed as the beacon of hope for American democracy. Am I missing something? In any case, Trumpicus is gonna win regardless. And then he will take the US (the joke of the whole world) into dictatorship.


  14. David5:45 PM


    America's putting the world in danger of nuclear war yet again by conducting nuclear weapons tests fairly close to the North Korean border. I'm no fan of the North Korean regime, but America is certifiably insane. It feels such a strong compulsion to display its (largely imaginary) dominance that it's willing to risk self-destruction in the process. Although America always portrays itself as larger than life, its grandiosity is a cover for weakness. Its sense of self is extremely fragile, and needs to be continually be propped up by narcissistic supply from other nations. Christopher Lasch was correct; American culture is a culture of narcissism.

  15. David-

    Even worse, a culture of buffoonism. Hey, gd bk title, eh?


    There's 0 inside her head. This has hardly changed. I have a stone wall in my garden, wd love to bang her head against it for 20 mins. or so, see if anything falls out. Maybe Trumpi will let me do it, when he's pres.


  16. Flyingspagettimonstr7:20 PM

    As I expected, the Trump incident is ancient history now, as news of Schmiden dropping outta this BULLSHIT presidential race has moved 2 the forefront. Dontcha just love meaningless theater?


  17. MB, Wafers - re: polling data. A quick and easy snapshot of national and battleground poll data can be found on the homepage of

    Lotsa links to op/ed pieces from various sources on both ends and the middle of the political spectrum. Not sure how relevant the site is overall since Control+F (find in page) search for "buffoon" comes up empty.

  18. ...Still going. They keep going, and going, and going...

    ...And in The City That Never Sleeps, it seems the stabbings keep going...
    ...along with the sucker punches.

    Today’s mugshot comes from the new champion trailer park state that is located in that “deeply religious”, “Love thy Neighbor” area of this outhouse country known as the Bible Belt.

    Violence. Anywhere and everywhere in the Land of Exceptionalism. U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!

  19. comrade-

    Link gives 0 info on Trump vs. Harris in the swing states. Which is the crucial issue.


    America is now a massive beatoff spectacle. Miles is rt, everyone is now excited about Schmamala. Just go to cnn.com or The Guardian or any major media: Oh she's fabulous, can she defeat Trumpi, etc. etc. etc. One small detail is being omitted in this love fest: she's a moron. Over the last few yrs, when interviewed and asked serious questions, she never knows the answers, so she laughs; cackles, actually. Or she comes up w/some word salad that says 0. This woman is a buffoonette, end of story.


  20. ps: She's been called "a demented hyena on steroids." Check this out:


  21. Xenakis1:24 AM

    Over a decade ago, a man in Atlanta became a national sensation for the videos he posted of his work as a security guard at a mall.

    In his videos, he brutalized unruly customers, brandished firearms, and went out of his way to start fights, all of which was recorded on his bodycam.

    He dubbed these videos “The Greatest Reality Show on Earth”.


    He posted HOURS of this material on his YouTube channel and became such a viral celebrity, he was interviewed by ABC News.

    Americans are miserable, angry, and goddammit they wouldn’t have it any other way.

  22. Lionel Shriver’s essay on Kamala is the humor we all need right now. Shriver is excoriating in her critique of Kamala’s lack of intelligence. Like Miles Deli, I’m experiencing whiplash over the about face of the Democratic establishment towards Kamala. Does it get any more absurd? I am also going to label myself a “double hater” when it comes to our likely November choices. I suspect most other Wafers would agree.


  23. Jamie-

    Scroll back to the you tube video of Schmamala laughing like a hyena. This sudden elevation of the poor, stupid woman to presidential status is because she (unlike the other potential candidates) has access to the $ that was funding Schmiden's campaign. As for yr link: I had to look up the word 'felching', wh/is disgusting beyond description. Yuck. But all the excitement abt Schmamala is certainly absurd, as America goes into Full Beatoff Mode (FBM). We enter the final stage of the American empire as a fascist ex-democracy (Trumpi), or as a joke (Schmamala). I'm tellin' ya, folks: What a country!


  24. linear progression12:04 PM


    So the Truth really can be stated simply and clearly:

    “If we had Biden, then we would have genocide. If we had Trump, then we would have genocide and no abortion. Was this really the grand choice between democracy and fascism?”

    Because in my opinion, if we want to discover a moral and not equivocal truth, we first need to break free of double standards.

    Like this “choice” of the Cackling hyena that the Democrats are offering us: I’m a “double-hater” too, like Shriver. But that felching image is stuck in my brain. Yuckee!

  25. linear-

    Gd essay. Let me quote the last para:

    "And America’s secret wish … what is it? Our fear of violence or civil war belies our invitation and enjoyment of it; our collective giggling nervousness is delight in something happening, whether it is Biden dropping out or Trump being assassinated or a genocide in Gaza — whatever it takes to distract us away, in anxious flight, from the deterioration of the country, the U.S. empire’s mortality, and the vulture circling overhead."

    She got that rt! As the country goes down the drain, we seek to distract ourselves from that fact. Schmamala is only the latest manifestation of this. And no doubt, there is a vulture circling overhead. We're finished, end of story.


  26. ps: Kamala is a rancid bag of douche fluid.


  27. Wafers-

    The country is a joke; the people are jokes. Anyone, or any nation, that can't see that is brain damaged.

    Meanwhile, I just wrote Trump asking him if, on Jan. 20, he wd give the order for me to bang Schmiden's and Schmamala's heads together on nationwide TV, for 20 uninterrupted mins. After which, he wd exile them to some remote South Sea island, where they would be required to wear signs around their necks. Schmiden's wd say: WAR CRIMINAL; Schmamala's wd say: DOPE.

    Honestly, I can't get over how laughable America is.


  28. This just in from CNN:

    Renegade intellectual Morris Berman has offered to return to the US to administer severe beatings of American political figures on live TV. The beatings will commence in early August. When asked specifically who was to be beaten, and how the process should be performed, Berman stated, "I will simply bang Schmiden's and Schmamala's heads together for 20 minutes." Berman also indicated that he's enlisted supermodel Gisele Bundchen to cane Sam Alito w/a flagpole, and insert a Jewish Space Laser inside Marjorie Taylor Green's anus. Lauren Boebert is totally on board! She will volunteer her time to circle jerk any group of politicians "until they are limp." "Our future depends on our willingness to face our biggest challenges," Berman says. "I believe we need a problem solver to lead our nation, and I am that person. We can no longer afford to pussyfoot around anymore."

    Up next, The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.

  29. Jeff-

    The truth is, at least in my view, that if all of that were true, America wd actually have a chance at reversing its current descent into madness and collapse. But just wait and see: the Power Elite will once again ignore what I have to offer. I mean, how many times can I say, I told you so, you jackasses?


  30. Da joker12:05 PM

    Much ado about nothing: avgactor Jack Black's band had to cancel a tour after 1 of the members apparently made an off-color joke about Trump's almost assassination. Why the backlash? Most Amerikkkans don't like Trump anyway.


  31. Withering truths. Thank you for the rarest of virtues: honesty.

  32. Tom-

    Thanks, but keep in mind that we are a discussion forum, not a bulletin board. Why not give us an argument (e.g., Schmamala is a total shithead) and then back it up w/some refs? I look forward to yr next post, along those lines.


    Most Americans do like Trumpi, as you'll see on Nov. 5. And pls keep in mind that Schmamala is dumber than a bag of hammers.


  33. My apologies if this has already been posted.

    Some Gen Z children of immigrants giving up on American dream

    "Their parents may have moved to the U.S. in pursuit of the American dream, but...just one generation in, some first-generation Americans said they’re moving out of the U.S. or seriously considering it...the decision...[comes with] guilt over leaving the place their parents worked so hard to make home.

    "Rania Salah, 23, was diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune disease: 'I had to quit my job...just because my lupus was getting really bad.'

    "Her rheumatologist was ecstatic when he found out she was leaving...'He was anticipating that a lot of my stress would go away...and therefore my lupus would get better...and also the quality of food. So he was very, very excited for me.' "

    Salah's experience (and those of the others interviewed in the article) is interesting because so often it is the second-generation immigrants who seem most inoculated against any American cultural critique (should we call it "Waferism"?). They tend to be the ones who are "more American than the [WASP] Americans".

  34. Wafers-

    I had another waking dream. In this dream, Schmiden is tried at the ICJ in The Hague as a war criminal, and found guilty. He is to be hung. B4 the hanging, I say to the judge: "Your Honor, I represent the Wafers of America and the Native Americans. We find Schmiden not only guilty of war crimes, but also for being a warmonger and a senile doofus. I ask your permission, b4 he is hung, to pee on his shoes."

    The judge says: "OK, but do you have a full bladder?"

    "Yes, Your Honor; it is practically bursting w/urine."

    "OK, then," he replies; "let it fly." I go over to Schmiden and I say, "Joe, I need to ask: Exactly how did you manage to become such a piece of dreck?" He just shrugs. At this pt, I hose down his shoes w/a gallon of yellow fluid. I feel joyous, fulfilled. Schmiden, his shoes and socks dripping w/urine, looks like a complete turkey. "Next on my agenda is Schmamala," I tell him. "What else is she, but a rancid bag of douche fluid?" He shrugs again.

    Then, they hang him. The audience cheers. I am awarded a special plaque, honoring my services to world justice.

    End of dream. Wafers: How can we make this a reality?


  35. Dr. Berman,

    I'm sickened by the fact that Netenyahu has addressed Congress (and with not much opposition). I'm sorry I don't have much of a point here, just that it seems like our nation has reached a new low. I guess I need to accept that I'm in a small minority of Americans who oppose him and the Israeli genocide.



  36. Baron-

    Netanyahu, a psychopath and war criminal, gave a sick speech to Congress, repeating all the old familiar garbage he has said before. To their everlasting shame, many American politicians/scumbags (mostly GOP) shook his hand, applauded, and gave him a standing ovation. Rashida Tlaib, at least, sat there with a "Guilty of Genocide" sign. In this way, these scumbag politicians are also guilty of genocide, if only indirectly. Which also goes for the scumbag DC police, arresting the protesters outside. Schmiden certainly is guilty, and directly, supplying the weaponry that killed thousands of Palestinians. It will be interesting to see where Schmamala comes down in this whole affair.

    I do wonder where most Americans--leaving out, for now, black people, Muslims, and many of our young people--think of Netanyahu and our gov't's support of Israel. I also wonder how it will affect the Nov. election. (Michigan, e.g., is a swing state w/a large Muslim population.)

    Bibi is one of the sickest people on the planet, imo. But not just my opinion:


    Anyway, see my previous post, "The Origins of Sadism." I may expand on it in a future post.

    This whole thing turns my stomach.


  37. ps:


  38. Trump’s future Secretary of Defense now is taking physical defense lessons. Literally! I mean, Wafers, this diamond in the rough is so versatile it rattles the mind! He already is a good gun shot with an AR15. He also already has, in Don’s own words a |”HUGE” following on Twitter. Just think: He even, at the same time being Defense Secretary, also could be a future Ultimate Fighting Star! And The Don certainly appreciates physical prowess. The Don loves to watch the UFC and the WWE. One only has to watch the RNC convention with The Hulkster giving a great speech as proof.
    And the best thing: He’s 21! He represents the youth of this country. He represents the generations to come. We eagerly await him joining the head of the young Republican/Conservative movement, Charlie Kirk, on the campaign trail! This country’s future is assured! Viva Kyle!

    U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!

  39. ps2: Also check this out:


  40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuGLSTboBYE

    Some contemporary American sentiments: kill all humans, kill all men, kill all Muslims. Americans are consumed with hatred - so much so that a significant percentage harbor violent fantasies about killing off entire demographics, or even the human species itself. I know that the links only point to specific individuals that harbor these fantasies, but I myself have talked to many, many Americans who want to kill all men, Muslims, blacks, whites, gays or trans people. These violent fantasies are clearly not uncommon among the American populace, although our "experts" never mention them or how they might be linked to the extremely high homicide rate, not to mention America's foreign policy. Moreover, these fantasies are harbored by Americans all across the political spectrum; the desire to kill all men seems to be quite common among young liberal American women, whereas the desire to exterminate Muslims is clearly very common among American conservatives. Truly a wonderful country other nations should aspire to emulate.

  41. Mr. Randy Hughes, I was happy to meet, digitally at least, a fellow citizen of Kingsport, Tennessee. Contact me at wmichaelkelly@yahoo.com if you wish.

    Dr. Berman, I've been wondering why it took so long for Biden to remove himself from the running after his dismal performance in the June debate with Donald Trump. The article referenced below helps explain some of his reasons for not dropping out sooner. The short answer is: ego out of control. This article published on June 30 is a bit dated by now but still very relevant.

    "Biden's stubborn insistence on seeking another term despite his weaknesses as a candidate — is part of a troubling pattern. The contours of recent American history are being shaped by the egos that drive powerful leaders to refuse to retire when their time has come."


    Whichever candidate wins in November, it will be a spectacle to watch from the cheap seats.

  42. Mr. Oops11:35 AM

    Dr. Berman—

    What an incredible day yesterday was. Genocidal war criminal Netanyahu addressed US congress and got 58 standing ovations. Soon after, a weak and slurring Biden went on the air to pass the torch to the deranged former prosecutor and VP Harris, who has been coronated and shoehorned in by the party elites sans any kind of democratic process. It's being characterized as a coup in some political circles. All over a period of days following an assassination attempt on the opposing party's candidate after highly questionable security conditions.

    I used to read philosopher John Kozy's posts (which generally share quite a few of your views) years back and bumped into this one:


    Let's hope none of this stuff affects profit growth and consumer spending!

  43. Oops-

    Gd essay. Note that the Horatio Alger stories, wh/were supposed to be examples of the Protestant Ethic, aren't. Alger typically finds $ in the street, or comes into wealth by accident.

    That address by Netanyahu was beyond disgusting. But even more disgusting were the congressmen who applauded, stood up. We are now cheering war criminals; wh/is what those people, by proxy, are.


  44. ps: Note that I repeatedly stated, on this blog, for yrs now, that when the end comes, it won't be pretty. Well...eh voila!

  45. ps2: check it out:


  46. mohamed ali10:08 PM

    I just want to say my favorite part from the medium article you posted is “the danger of civilization, of course, is that you will piss away your life on nonsense.” The writer was quoting Jim Harrison. I have never heard him but what he said is my exact life
    experience in America. I spent 15 years chasing none sense and I regret it. I left all that behind and now I have a simple but happy life. Writings like the medium article and your blog keep me sane . Thanks!!

  47. Mo-



  48. Flyingspagettimonstr7:10 AM

    Everything I've seen online about this “Project 2025” thing suggests it would be a nail in the coffin for Amerikkka should it ever come to pass. Amerikkkans are even being polled on it. As if the power brokers gave 2 shits about the opinions of dolts


    But it really doesn't matter, since the nation is finished anyway

  49. Budget Pundit9:21 AM

    Israel’s exclusive focus on October 7 reminds me of how American corporate media and government would only talk about 9/11 for years while reports of atrocities committed during our subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq surfaced routinely in alternative media. Having such a casus belli sure is handy when a government wants to make some geopolitical changes:

    Gideon Levy: ‘In Gaza, Israel Lost What Remained of Its Humanity’:

  50. Budget-

    I have no words for this. Thank God for Ha'aretz. The Israelis have stopped being Jews, in Hillel's sense of the term. And what a vile liar Netanyahu is.


  51. Wafers-

    I have wanted Kamala to win in November because I love the idea of having a vapid moron in the W.H. H.L. Mencken predicted that this wd happen in 1920, and it already happened w/Dan Quayle and George Bush. No reason not to repeat the event. But now I have an altogether different reason for wanting her to win. Of course, the down side is that she wd continue Schmiden's stupid/dangerous proxy war w/Russia, via more arms shipments to the Ukraine. This wd be a terrible mistake--one that Trumpi wd not make. But if Schmamala is at all serious abt her supposed concern regarding the butchery in Gaza (and who knows, whether she's sincere abt it), then I have another reason for wanting her to win the election. After all, Trumpi, a total scumbag, will back Netanyahu and make life even worse for the Palestinians; wh/I can't really stomach at this pt. So I really do hafta be on Schmamala's side here, as dumb as she is. Talk abt awful choices.


  52. Maryvonne10:28 AM

    Bernie Sanders made an interesting remark to his rally attendees when he was running for president in 2016. When someone in the crowd said that the country needed him, he responded with this:

    “If there is any person here that thinks I’m coming to you as some kind of savior, that I’m going to do it all myself, you’re wrong. No president can do it alone”


    Americans seem to want their salvation delivered to the door like a pizza. It has never worked that way.


  53. “Like father like son”. Or perhaps, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Today’s winning mugshot actually are two mugshots in one: a father and son road rage team.
    Check out these two angry bearded baldies; these two physical features are so typical of the “macho” “tough guy” 21st century USAin cult of masculinity male image.

  54. Hello Wafers, I have been lurking for a while largely because I often find myself short of words and phrases to express my emotions at what is going on all around. Satire would be the most appropriate form to react to the era's absurdity, I fell.

    In any case, came across these two nice articles in the Middle East Eye onUS and Israel. In the first one, Jonathan Cook argues that only a failing empire, unable to see the predicament, would be so stupid as to enable what Israel is doing. (BTW,I refuse to call it a war anymore; it is only a genocide). In the second one, David Hearst argues that notwithstanding the optics, and apparent victory in the battle with Hamas, Israel is losing the war. Reminds me of the Iraq war 2003. I saw the whole build up, the propaganda, the hysteria. But how many, particularly Americans, would have believed that day that while Iraq is devastated, US will be a big loser?



  55. https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Economic-Hit-John-Perkins/dp/0452287081?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=b5723b37-fe00-44ca-9b87-c09fe04b705f


    Hey MB and fellow Wafers, anyone read this one? Was recommended by a friend who is not incredibly astute politically, and wanted to get someone else's opinion..

  56. Indian-

    Gd article by Cook. He claims that under Kamala, arms and $ wd continue to flow to Israel. Probably rt.

  57. David2:56 PM


    It turns out that most Gen Z Americans want to leave America for various reasons. While many of them are just seeking a better standard of living, it seems that some of them are waking up and realizing that America is a gigantic mistake. What do you guys think about this?

  58. BH-

    Sorry, cdn't run it. You didn't provide any links or reliable references. This blog is big on evidence.


  59. Wafers-

    You may remember that a short while ago, I talked abt a "tectonic shift" going on from West to East; that as the American empire disintegrated into a 3rd-rate power, hegemony wd shift to Russia, India, and esp., China? Well, it turns out that Mr. Orban has been following me around w/a notepad:



  60. Flyingspaghettimonstr11:47 AM

    The story of Frank Serpico is an example of what Amerikkka is all about. Serpico is an ex-cop turned whistleblower who became enemy #1 for exposing rampant corruption in the NYPD. Some of his colleagues in the narcotics unit made fortunes accepting $ from drug dealers. Frank blew the whistle, thus ending their gravy train. Many of his colleagues turned against him as a result. During a drug bust, the 2 back-up officers set him up to have him shot, & left him for dead. Have y'all ever known a more corrupt shithole?


    P.s, Sidney Lumet directed a film about it

  61. Fly-

    A great movie, indeed, and an accurate portrayal of America in microcosm.


    Check out New Yorker June 24, profile of Charles Taylor (one of my favorite philosophers) by Adam Gopnik. Gopnik's conclusion is wrong (Taylor is much smarter than Gopnik), but it's a gd article otherwise. The topic is Taylor's new bk, "Cosmic Connections," wh/frankly sounds like a riff on my Reenchantment bk (1981). On all levels, the world seems to be finally catching up to me, but do I get any credit? NFW (No Fucking Way) (boo hoo) Yet I'm sure that Chinese historians, digging thru the rubble of the NY Public Libe a few decades from now, will come across my work and say: "This guy Belman had it rt; why didn't anyone listen to him? America cd have saved itself."

    When pigs fly, I suppose. Pls pardon my less-than-attractive self-involvement. But the Gopnik essay, not to mention Chas Taylor, is worth rdg.


  62. ps: Gopnik writes re: Taylor's analysis of modern society: "We wanted to be alone, and now we are." Indeed.

  63. We live in such profoundly cynical times. American politicians still typically take a "see no evil, hear no evil" stance on what is happening in Gaza. A small handful on the Democratic Party's lefty fringe (such as it is) will use terms like "genocide" or "apartheid" or (God forbid) "ceasefire", but absolutely nothing is at risk of changing.

    Reading this appalling article, one is reminded how hard a contemporary politician—in this case Biden—has to work to avoid acknowledging—even to himself—what has happened, and is still happening. America is a morally deceased (as in kaput) nation.

    US medics who volunteered in Gaza demand arms embargo over ‘unbearable cruelty’ inflicted by Israel:

  64. Budget-

    There was an earlier report, from the UN or equally reliable agency, I forget, that put the actual death toll at around 186,000.

    We have achieved a new level of moral depravity. Netanyahu, a war criminal, got more than 50 stdg ovations from Congress (people whom Gideon Levy of Ha'aretz correctly labeled as 'puppets'). He told them: "Our victory will be your victory." But what if Israel loses? Will that loss also be our loss? Again, I come back to the notion of the shifting of tectonic plates from West to East--global karma in action. Yes, the Hamas attack of Oct. 7 was barbaric, but it also needs to be seen as part of the uprising of subaltern people, which is hardly confined to this one event. Ultimately, I believe, the East will win, and this includes the Palestinians (assuming there will be any left). I doubt Israel will make it to its 100th anniversary (2048). It doesn't matter whom I personally favor in this global struggle; I'm just reporting, as an historian, and as objectively as I can, what I think is likely to occur. Thus, altho I'm hardly a fan of Mao Zedong's, he predicted this tectonic shift decades go, said it explicitly (his metaphor was that of a wind, blowing in an Easterly direction).

    And as an historian, I hafta say that depravity, and end-of-empire barbarism, is not unusual. Consider what the British did to the Mau Mau of Kenya during 1952-60, a horror reported by the historian Caroline Elkins in several of her works. This was clearly part of England's end-of-empire hysteria, over loss of its identity ("if we aren't rulers of the planet, then who are we?"). And note that King Charles has been unwilling to apologize to Kenya, to this date.

    We are going thru our own end-of-empire hysteria now, loss of our geopolitical identity and economic/military hegemony. Schmiden has 6 mos. to terminate arms shipments to Israel; I can't imagine he will do it. Because of heavy Jewish populations in NY, Illinois, and California--states any political party hasta win, in order to win their large # of electoral votes in a presidential election--he hasta "stand with Israel"; and despite Schmamala's recent comments abt how she can't remain silent regarding the destruction of Gaza, I'm guessing that in concrete terms, she will also toe the party line, whether she becomes president or not. As for Trumpi, his sentiments are quite clear.



  65. Budget-

    Sorry: Mao said the wind was blowing from East to West, and wd overcome the West.

  66. Check out some more mugshots of violent callous USAins. Of course the first is--as often seen on both those dumb television commercials as well as Hollywood shows like The Bachlorette--the typical “hip” scruffy male slob who hasn’t shaved in 6 days. After him is a woman who obviously doesn’t do up her hair each day. And the third is a pair of despicable parents, another scruffer and his dumb faced wife.
    So Doctor and Wafers, who gets today’s winning prize?

    These are just a few faces of your ordinary citizens here in the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!

  67. Joe-

    Rancid bags of douche fluid!


  68. Wafers-

    Check out article on CIA in June 17 New Yorker. Excellent historical sources. Typical quote:

    "For all the heady talk of promoting democracy, more than two-thirds of US covert interventions during the Cold War were in support of authoritarian regimes."

    Conclusion of the experts is that the CIA largely made a mess of things, including causing the deaths of millions, because of America's intention to control the world.


  69. Musk as colossal scum- and douchebag:


    True, Schmamala is a total turkey, but still...

  70. David4:33 PM


    Israelis stormed a torture camp when IDF soldiers were detained for raping Palestinians. They just can't live without sexually abusing helpless people, can they? What wonderfully compassionate and humane people they are.

  71. David-

    It's a pretty horrible story. Meanwhile, Israel persistently lies abt everything it's doing. Here's one expose among many:


  72. Lt. Calley, who led the brutal slaughter of over 500 Vietnamese peasants at My Lai in 1968, died in his bed at age 80 (last April). He never apologized or even admitted guilt. He was court-martialed in 1971; his sentence amounted to 3 yrs of house arrest. He did say something impt at his trial, however: that My Lai was hardly an isolated incident. In fact, there were many My Lais. The crucial text on the subject is by Nick Turse, "Kill Anything That Moves."


  73. CatchMeIfYouCan11:01 PM

    It was in the lancet that the estimated number of dead in Gaza could be as high as 186000.


  74. Catch-

    Yes, thanks. I did write it down somewhere, but gd to have this link.


  75. Downstate? Upstate? It doesn’t matter. Go New York! Mass shootings a happenin’ in The Empire State!

    Talk about efficiency! 2 USAins blow each other away in one of this wasteland’s daily road rages.

    And today’s mugshots are of the typical USAin callous couple. Maybe in jail they’ll give her some needed makeup and her disheveled scruffy faced husband a razor blade. Or as our good Doctor likes to say, a washdown with urine.

  76. Flyingspaghettimonstr9:06 PM

    George Carlin gave his thoughts on the bread-and-circuses show called the Olympics in a 1980s ESPN interview. He said how it was "nothing but one big business promotion". He also said it was "part of the Amerikkkan joke to keep us from believing there's anything wrong."


    Indeed, it's just a big beating off session for Amerikkkans. They love bragging whenever an athlete wins a medal. But Amerikkka is @ the bottom in just about every category u can name.

    This sure doesn't seem like anything 2 brag about. Hooray 4 train derailments?


  77. David9:09 PM


    Unfortunately, that study ended several weeks ago, so the death toll is even higher now.

    MB and Wafers,

    This is an example a propaganda piece only Americans could believe:


    The article seems fairly straightforward and truthful at first. However, in the last paragraph of the article, the writer strongly implies that America had nothing to do with the assassination of a top Hamas official and his retinue in Iran. Biden and practically everyone in Congress have approved many weapon shipments to Israel; moreover, Israel gets almost all its weapons from America. This is public knowledge. Are we really supposed to believe that no American weapons were used in this massacre? Moreover, Blinken insists he wants a ceasefire in Gaza, but publicly declared that there are no red lines for Israel just a few months ago. You'd have to have the memory capacity of a gnat to believe this bullshit, but most Americans fit the bill. I suspect that this is also why the lies were saved for the last paragraph; if they were stated earlier in the article, most Americans wouldn't remember them, and the propaganda wouldn't have its intended effect.

  78. David-

    Is there an update on the # killed, in the Lancet or elsewhere?


    I think it's safe to say that on both the individual and the macrolevel, America is engaged in massive beating off. As for train derailment: also an excellent metaphor for what's happening to America in general.


  79. MB,


    Two weeks after its first study on the Gaza death toll was published, the Lancet published a new study that claims that the death toll would be between 149,000 and 598,000 if Israel ended the war immediately (on July 5th, when the study was published). If we take the average of these two numbers, we get 373,500 Palestinians that are either dead or so ravaged by injury, disease or starvation that they can't be saved. We also need to keep in mind that this study only covers Gaza; Israel has also been killing Palestinians in the West Bank at an accelerated rate since October 7th, and recently started bombing Lebanon. It looks like Israel will soon be at war with all of its neighbors.

    Sorry to double post within 24 hours, but you seem like you were eager for this information.

  80. MB asked: "Is there an update on the # killed, in the Lancet or elsewhere?"

    According to the below article, which discusses the conservative nature of the Lancet estimate, up to a quarter of Gaza's pre-Oct 7 population may already be dead or certain to die as a result of the invasion. That would put the toll at 600,000, which is an awfully genocidal-looking percentage of the Palestinians.

    Knowing how few days a human can survive without food or potable water, and how little of either there has been in Gaza for many months, I'm surprised more than a few stragglers remain alive, and those would be skeletal and diseased. Very few pictures escape Gaza these days, as all the photojournalists are long dead and there is little to no electricity to charge cell phones or internet service to send photos or videos out. One would have to suspect starved and starving Palestinians may be being plowed into mass graves to obscure such a massive atrocity.

    'The Official Death Toll in Gaza Is a Lie. The Casualty Numbers Are Far, Far Higher'


  81. David, Budget-

    Thank you both.


  82. Wafers-

    Why does this type of corruption always happen for 'progressive' political groups?:


    The same thing occurred with BLM, with one of the founders using tons o' cash to buy expensive real estate for herself. Very little $ gets to the people who actually need it.

    Why is that? Because America is about hustling, and so-called progressive groups are no more immune to it than the CEOs of major corporations. And like those CEOs, they experience no regret or shame--none whatsoever.



  83. Get this. Deep Pockets Chopra, as Doctor B. refers to him, shall be in town on...are you ready?...9-11. He’s doing a meditation and yoga class as part of the anniversary. Supposedly it will be free of charge. But one wonders if there is a stealth capitalist hustling catch involved.

    You also just have to shake your head at that “Christian” “family values” Bible Belt Lone Star State.
    And their hot headed drivers.

    Yeah. Always crazy happenings here in the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!

  84. Kamala Schmamala! Is she squeezing Trumpi's testes?


  85. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ver8-aky-w

    Israel has been raping, shocking, beating and mangling countless Palestinians while depriving them of sleep. The Israeli populace is wildly supportive of these crimes and revels in the suffering inflicted by them. At this point, I have no idea why Israel shouldn't be wiped off the face of the Earth via military force. Israelis are the very worst people on the planet; IMO, they even make Americans look virtuous by comparison. American civilians might usually support torture and genocide, but they wouldn't storm a torture camp if their soldiers were arrested for rape, nor would they taunt starving people by trapping them behind fences and displaying delicious food just out of reach of their grasping hands. The American military would do these things, but that's a small and particularly depraved subset of the American populace.

    Or am I underestimating how evil Americans are?

  86. David-

    Americans are not evil. But they are clueless. And by being clueless, they have certainly allowed the US gov't to do evil--tons of it, across the world, over the last 8 decades. As for the Israelis: my own take is that they are not real Jews. Real Jews agree with Rabbi Hillel, as I quoted him previously. Cheering torture is not part of the Jewish heritage. The Israelis have turned into ghouls. As a Jew, I read the reports of what Israel is doing to innocent people, and I'm stunned. How in the world did this happen?

    Israel’s Torture & Rape of Palestinian Prisoners Defended by Knesset Members, Far-Right Mobs (youtube.com)

    Israelis Riot In Support Of Torture - YouTube

    Israelis Storm Prison After IDF Soldiers Arrested For Sexual Assault Of Palestinian - YouTube

    Meanwhile, Ilan Pappe is hoping for the end of Israel. He has a new book out, but his classic work, wh/I urge everyone to read, is "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine."


  87. Not so french6:14 AM

    In 48 hours:
    Israel bombed civilians in 5 countries.
    Israel debated if it's okay to rape Palestinians.
    Israel killed the man they’re negotiating with.
    Israel violated UN resolutions, Geneva and Vienna Conventions.
    Israel killed the journalists covering these events.

    The debate is not whether this is jewish or not, for it is clearly not, and it would be better if Jews disowned Israel. The debate is whether this is human or not. An Iranian philosoher of the 16th century gave a revolutionary theory at the time, that of the Trans-substantial motion. One consequence of it is the theory that man is born materially and then evolves through his life towards spiritual perfection. The way I understand it is that man is born an animal and through his life gradually acquires his humanity. Israelis (many of them at least) haven't gone far in this road, they have shown that they lack basic human characteristics, that of compassion, love, foresight, etc.

  88. french-

    I take it as a given that Netanyahu is a psychopath. But finally it looks as tho the entire country has become psychotic, gone off the rails.


  89. Note to SRL: I seem to have lost your message. Pls re-send, but provide a discussion and a link to a reliable reference. Thank you.--mb

  90. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/01/style/miss-teen-usa-winner-addie-carver-mississippi/index.html

    Americans care abt this sorta thing, because their heads are impacted w/dogshit. No amt of slapping, or urine, can extract this excrement from their heads.

  91. Wafers-

    Tulsi is gd at exposing Schmamala, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly what Tulsism is.


    But suddenly, Schmamala seems to be ahead of Trumpi in the swing states.




  92. Check out some more mugshots. Today’s selections are of your typical “loving” USAin parents from all over this wasteland—Oklahoma, Indiana, Florida, Ohio. You name it. Read about some of the “kind loving” things they did to their children here in the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!
    p.s. The abode in the first mugshot certainly is a picture to behold. And the citizens here in this shithole capitalist nation have the nerve to talk about third world countries!


  93. Megan2:47 AM

    While this is no endorsement of Kamalashmamala, as I was saying before, the Dems need an "alpha" to beat Trump. To her credit, Kamala does kind of have the "alpha female" vibe. I hadn't noticed it before. But in those videos of her grilling people like Kavanaugh and Bill Barr, she does seem to exhibit precisely that "unflappability," which is the key to taking down Trump. She is also good at giving speeches, the pauses, the smiles, etc. Far better than the "word salad" clips would have led me to believe. Of course, she probably is pretty vapid, and the whole thing is atmospherics. But I think it's going to work. I'm a declinist but I do vote for postponing it by a few years. ("Heretic!" I know) Since I live here, and don't want my Social Security plundered by Trump. So, "Go Kamalashmamala!" I guess? (And she is also far better on Climate Change and, likely, Israel as well, if only marginally, than Trump. Two things that will have real effects for the whole world.)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1CjMtRs59g (Notice how she exhibits no "beta" shrinking at these peoples' evident discomfort. This is the key to taking down Trump!)


  94. Megan-

    The problem is that she's a dummy and a douchebag. Still, better a silly presidency than a fascist one; I agree. In any case, she's now slightly ahead of Trumpi in the swing states, and check this out:


    So, she just may pull it off. Of course, if she wins by a very slim margin, Trumpi and the Trumpites will declare that the election was rigged/stolen, and what then? Massive rioting? Civil war?


  95. Da joker8:42 AM

    A nugget of truth appears @ the very top of this piece on the Grants Pass Supreme Court ruling.

    “Fining unhoused individuals for sleeping in public spaces exposes a critical flaw in the U.S.’ approach to its most vulnerable”


    Just about everything in Amerikkka is a “critical flaw”. That's why it's such a joke now; a failed state that can't manage a damn thing

  96. joker-

    Check out WAF. The "pursuit of happiness," Jefferson's famous words, in the 18th century were code words for hustling, i.e. for acquiring property--as he and all of the Founding Fathers did (they died rich). America was based on a fatal flaw from Day 1. It meant we were spiritually empty. Trumpi is the apotheosis of this 'ideal', but just look at all our politicians (and most of our citizens). Ultimately, they stand for nothing. This is the massive chicken that has finally come home to roost.


  97. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxWTlX0qfA0&list=PL5565A2EE73E24765&index=3g

    It turns out that the IDF tried to kill Michael Moore a few months ago. If America were even slightly sane, this would have been reason enough to end aid and cut ties. Instead, America decided to suppress this story; no mainstream news outlets covered it. America's perfectly happy to sacrifice its own citizens on the altar of Zionism.

  98. David-

    This link had 0 to do w/Michael Moore.


  99. Megan-

    Sorry, too long. Pls edit down and re-send. Thank you.


  100. Michael LeBlanc4:49 AM

    The job of a VP is to nod and echo the President, but Harris is not stuck in that role anymore. You can see why Trump rather run against Biden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyjEVd_F-Ts Trump is afraid to debate Harris, this should not surprise anyone who has seen her past debates, or knows of her District Atty/chief prosecutor role. Poor Trump is running scared home, back to Fox. https://www.msnbc.com/top-stories/latest/trump-debate-kamala-harris-audience-fox-news-rcna164990 What happened to anywhere, anytime? If Trump pees anywhere during a debate with Harris, it will be in his own pants.
    https://x.com/KamalaHarris/status/1816643863131652527. A couple weeks before Biden dropped out of the race, I went out on a limb and said the race would be between Trump and Harris, and Harris would win, although it would be close. Close race or not, Trump will say he won, that Dems cheated, and try to rally his goons. America has still failed, and Harris, and actually no one, can turn this country around in 4 years. Americans (morons) will feel let down that she could not save them, and maybe throw her out after 4 years, but too soon to tell. Let the games begin!!!

  101. The mention of Michael Moore reminded me of something I’d meant to tell you, Dr Berman. In questioning green energy in Planet of Humans, Moore was turned into a pariah by the left. Anyone criticized and banished by either the right or left is probably someone worth listening to. In this clip, Sheldon Solomon of Skidmore shows Dark Ages America to the interviewer. Their conversation questions the orthodoxy of technology as a religion, as a means to solve all human problems. This was clearly derived straight from your work on the limits of technology. The discussion takes place around min 49.


  102. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHeLBPC9FaI&t=619s

    Sorry, this is the right link. I have no idea what happened before; I have no idea how I ended up copypasting that link here. I intended to send that other link to someone on Discord.

  103. Michael-

    It wd certainly be great if Trumpi, in his debate w/Schmamala, revealed the truth: that in the last analysis, he's just a shmuck, a douchebag, and really, a pathetic asshole. (Hopefully she'll be able to keep her demented laughter under control.) But if he does lose the election, yr rt: riots in the street, perhaps some violent uprisings bordering on civil war (including Capitol attacks again ca. Jan. 6). And as u say, the bottom line is that the US is kaput, so all it amounts to anyway is theater--beating off on a large scale. Declinists can smile, shake their heads.


    I cdn't get the link to work, but I remember seeing it some yrs ago. Sheldon and I were at a conference in Canada; U of Waterloo, I think it was.


    Where exactly is the mention of the IDF trying to kill Michael Moore?


  104. I’m breaking the 24 hour rule to post the link on Michael Moore. I think David might be referring to an interview Moore did with Katie Harper a few months ago.


  105. Jamie-

    Can you tell me at what pt there is a discussion of the IDF planning to kill Michael Moore?


  106. Flyingspaghettimonstr4:49 PM

    Time magazine reported on how Amerikkkans’ overuse of therapists isn't helping the nation's dire mental health situation.


    There's even a bk on how their use of therapy for everything is making them not wanna take charge of their own lives


    So what now? Opioids r killing Amerikkkans, therapy has come under scrutiny, & fancy gadgets doesn't fill the void. Perhaps Drano will become the new drug of choice 4 some

  107. Megan8:13 PM

    I found this story about Kamala-Devi (Kamala is one of the names of the goddess Lakshmi) to be refreshing:


    The fact that she dated Willie Brown and Montel in her younger days, points to an element of social-climbing and shallowness. But the fact that she ended up with her current husband, who seems like a genuinely decent guy, shows a certain degree of growth and maturity. The fact that she gets along so well with the ex-wife and all the kids (allowing for the fact that this "puff piece" is probably partially manufactured and not reflective of reality), also points to a degree of decency, kindness and empathy.

    The most potentially "damning" fact against Harris, are those reports of her employees, some of which claim that she is a "tyrant." I have looked into this, and I actually think that I have some special insight on this topic, which I think is worth your consideration. But I will save it for next time, because it requires some explanation, and I don't want this to be too long.

    If we are being totally fair, I think that, for now, the worst we can say about Harris is that she is "kind of a phony," vapid, etc. (as all elites and celebrities are). I'm a big fan of Dr. Berman's creative use of vile language. However, as a fellow logophile, poet, and writer with a sense of the "mot juste," I think I can make a decent case that "rancid bag of ---" is a far more fitting epithet for Nancy Mace or Marjorie Taylor Greene. For the moment, I submit that Kamala-shmamala is provisionally on the side of the angels, and I'm enjoying utterly her trouncing of Orange Nero!

  108. Megan-

    That's hardly the worst we can say. Check this out:


    As for rancid bags of douche fluid, I think we can add Nikki (Schmikki) Haley to yr list. But Tulsi nailed Schmamala as a dishonest, and even cruel, piece of dogshit. She was not able to refute Schmulsi's charges (which were true); she just did a bland pivot. She's one of the worst types of opportunists, really. 'Scumbag' doesn't begin to cover it. My desire to toss my cookies on her head is quite intense. I agree w/u that Trumpi is a fascist disaster, but Schmamala is in no way a decent human being.

    Meanwhile, yr posts continue to be a bit over the line. In future, pls aim for *less* than half a pg. Thanks.


  109. Yanba Hound Dog11:51 PM

    Sorry my phone turned off if I posted twice the same message. Tell me when I’m wrong but the Presidential elections just can’t be predicted. “Experts” said Clinton would beat Trump 8 yrs ago and it comes down to electral college, bottom line. This blog has political views I can’t figure out yet, so here’s a link that “Trump the projected Electoral College victory.”~~~> https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-donald-trump-national-polls-1933718 But as you say here it won’t matter. Just as a social studies teacher told us 8 years ago his theory. Never forgot it now I read US history. He told us only 2 elections really mattered in the past 100 years and changed US history: FDR over Hoover. And Reagan over Carter. Nothing I’ve read has proved his theory wrong, Harris vs Trump…who cares? your blog is right it doesn’t matter anyways. No change either way.

  110. Yanba-

    Check this out:


    As for our political views: our goal is to seek the truth about any situation. Left or Right have very little meaning for us.


  111. Here are some weekend MSL scores. Tulsa defeated Chicago, 8-4. Oakland defeated Memphis, 5-4. And Milwaukee and Springfield played to a 5-5 tie. Check back later for more professional Mass Shooting league scores. They come in daily and only from here in the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!


  112. There are lots of bad things that one can say about Kamala Harris. Tulsi's take down was great and it led to to rapid collapse of Harris as viable presidential candidate 2020. The Trump campaigning will likely make much use of the video.

    But lot's of other stuff has emerged. The 92% staff turnover rate might have much to do with what she's like work with:


    Oddly, this is not being mentioned on NPR, as far as I know. NPR is fawning all over Kamala. They're campaigning for her.

  113. ccg-

    It's clear she needs to be beaten severely and then thrown on a dung heap. Then being waterboarded 185 times, and having her shoes drenched in urine. After which, being required to wear a sign around her neck that says



  114. Michael King5:48 PM

    Lo siento mi amigo! I meant to wish you Happy Birthday on August 3rd. Hope you had a lovely day.

  115. Michael-

    No apology necessary. I had a great time. Friends threw me a party at an Italian restaurant, and we ate and talked for 4 hrs. It was great. The only thing Americans wd throw (at) me is rotten fruit. I'm so glad I don't live in the US. Events like this remind me (if I needed reminding). Then another set of friends took me for breakfast this morning to a French restaurant. Muy divertido. I sang "Volare," "La Bamba," "Yesterday," and an old Hebrew traditional, "Hinay matov umanaim," which means, "How gd it is to sit together among friends." I translated it into Spanish, said, "This is how I feel rt now." Lotsa love all around. Why wd anyone want to live in America? Dementia?

    So now I'm 80. Hard to believe. I told both groups of friends: Let's do this again, when I'm 160.


  116. Megan6:37 AM

    Dr Berman,

    I don't know how to type exponents, but perhaps for douchebgaggery, we could have spectrum of "DB, DB squared, DB cubed, and so on, up to 10, where a DB 10 would represent the very quintessence and Platonic Form of douchebaggery? Matt Gaetz, for example, is definitely a DB 10. I'll have to look into the Tulsi stuff, but I'm mainly just hoping that Kamala ends up at the DB1 or DB2 level. I'm definitely not seeing any evidence of Cluster B type of behavior in her, and by "decent" I mean that very much in relation to her clinically psychopathic opponent.

    Space prevents me from giving my personal example which I think gives me a bit of insight about this, but I was annoyed at myself for uncritically accepting the "tyrant bitch" story When I did a little digging, three things jumped out at me: 1) Completely anonymous accusers. 2) Zero explanation of what happened, the context, or numbers involved. 3) the single quote that is repeated in countless articles is "subjected me to soul-destroying criticism." For me, that is itself a red flag. Can anyone reading this imagine yourself using such language? It doesn't mean that she isn't a bitch. But this story tells us precisely nothing of significance.

    I honestly just clicked on this video a few hours ago, and it made me say "wow" since Steve literally saw every detail of this "nothingburger" in precisely same manner in which I was thinking about it:


  117. Megan-

    Did I already post this? I can't remember:



  118. Yanba Hound Dog12:27 PM

    I checked out the link you sent Morris Berman . I had to search Allan Lichtman~~> https://www.fox5dc.com/news/allan-lichtman-latest-prediction-trump-biden-harris-vp-candidates-analysis.amp Keys to the White House. 13 of them. First reading seems important . 2nd reading not really. But the VP “is not a Key” to predict the winner is interesting. The press gets on knees to Lichtman since he always picks correctly. Like a priest passing his hand over our prayers on bended knees. Again in 100 years of elections only FDR and Reagan really mattered in the long run and view. But the other elections? It’s like the shots heard around the world at Concord. That just can’t be true but we repeat those words. Obama the first black president mattered like FDR or Reagan? No. Obama is a folklore president. It’s not racist to say that. (Girls in my social civics class wanted my teacher fired). This blog is digging out the folklore stories of the USA. Ok so that’s why left or right is not important. But the political view is hard to figure out. Check out Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee (Dee Brown). Folklore is the apple that turns out to be poison and destroys paradise for the Indian.

  119. Da joker2:01 PM

    This is my 1st time hearing of this case. The son of a Federal judge was gunned down in 2022 after the perp found his info thru an online people search website


    A privacy law was passed as a result of it

    I think Amerikkka has the most crazies out of all other countries. The national gun fetish only worsens this

  120. Yanba-

    No links? No evidence? You probably need a different blog. We don't run on pure opinion.


    Crazies, yes, but perhaps more important: douchebags.


  121. I showed some weekend scores. Here now are the standings as of today. Illinois is in first place with 26. Florida and California are tied for second place with 24. And Texas and Pennsylvania are tied for fourth place, each with 20 mass shootings. Who will be crowned champion time will tell.
    With that in mind, check out this enlightening article. It shows the number of cops killed; people killed by cops; murder-suicides; and other wonderful statistics of the deadly gun violence that goes on here in the self-proclaimed “greatest country in the world”—the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!

  122. Wafers-

    I have been corresponding w/a Chinese friend of mine, a woman of about 50 yrs of age. Recently I sent her the following link abt the younger generation in China:

    Chinese youth are pretending to be birds on social media as they don't want to study, work: Report (moneycontrol.com)

    She wrote back that capitalism has overwhelmed everything in China, and as a result the younger generation has lost its way. They can see no meaning or purpose in their lives, and are thus rejecting the larger society. This was my response:

    “This reinforces what I wrote in my Preface to the Mandarin translation of Why America Failed (2013): that China was turning into the US in Mandarin. But there is a kind of puzzle here. America is going down the drain; its hegemony is fading at the same time that China's 'star' is rising--filling the vacuum left by a dying America. But one reason for the American failure is that spiritually speaking, it has lost its way, its purpose or reason for being, especially among its youth. If this is also happening among Chinese youth, and if China in general is, as I argued, just becoming a Mandarin version of America, then how can its 'star' be rising? In 2013, my Preface made it through the censors because Pres. Xi was on a spiritual 'kick', talking about returning to Confucian roots etc. So is that 'kick' now a dead issue, and everything is about economic expansion instead? This program has been the American one for 400 years now (the “American Dream”), and the result has been emptiness and internal disintegration (in fact, the real question is how America managed to survive for so long).

    “Mao once said that "the wind from the East will overcome the West"--something like that. I've written about this in terms of a "tectonic shift," wherein the world center moves from Western Europe and the US to China, India, Russia, and the Islamic states. (In fact, the uprising of Hamas against Israel can be seen as part of this shift, as can the inevitable defeat of the Ukraine by Russia, along with the rejection of NATO.) But in the case of China, if its youth are just going to imitate birds, this conquest or victory will be rather hollow, it seems to me.”


  123. To shift gears for a moment: here's just one example of why I keep referring to Americans as douchebags:


  124. not so french6:39 AM

    Dr. Berman
    In a post long ago I believe I made a comment about the current state either of China or of Japan. I said that it was probably just a phase and that they (it works for the chinese and the japanese alike) unlike the US have a solid spiritual and cultural foundation they can fall back to. In the US what you see is what you get, billboards and hustling are their culture and soul. For China, what we see is like a bad painting job on a well constructed house. In fact, there is a movement among chinese youth to return to their tradition, a google search would give you alot of articles about it.

  125. Puddy9:09 AM

    Mr. Berman,

    You are correct about China. I lived in China for 12 years and recently moved back to the States because of lung issues due to pollution. (The pollution has improved in the city where I lived for the past ten years, but it is still awful.) The people copied the hustle mentality of the USA; they are psychologically reaping the consequences of that mentality.

    Adults I taught were constantly obsessed with the rat race of life and being left behind. No one in China wants the "loser" tag. The sad thing is that people there study so hard when they are young and don't want to read books when they are adults. If they do read books, they're usually of the hustler variety. And I must note that the phone idiocy there is far worse than here.

  126. Arnie_Toynbee9:47 AM

    Hi MB,

    In other news, it looks like Nutty-Yahu may finally see his decades-old wish fulfilled: A regional war involving the US, Iran and it's regional allies. Meanwhile, the Biden administration, representing the great declining superpower of the world, continues to wring its hands and assure everyone that it's giving "tough words" to Netanyahu behind the scenes (as the genocide in Gaza continues apace). What a joke of a country.

    Your friend,

  127. french-

    The crucial issue is what % of Chinese youths are involved in that. If you check out my book on Japan ("Neurotic Beauty"), you'll see that for Japan, it's abt 1%. I have no idea what it is for young people in China, but I have a feeling it's not v. large. (See also the post by Puddy.)


    At this pt, all the US knows how to do, in almost every area, is beat off. (Read my new, exciting bk, "Beatoff Nation".) I'm also guessing that the flow of $ and arms to Israel continues unabated, but I don't have an update on that. I also believe Netanyahu is a psychopath; in wh/case, regional war is v. likely..


  128. And furthermore, genocidal Zionist douchebags are losing power:


  129. And check this out:


  130. Check out today’s female mugshots on a special Callous Ladies Day edition right here in the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.! A woman kills her boyfriend; then she dismembers his body and scatters the remains. A jealous ex-girlfriend stabs the new girlfriend. A woman kills her newborn and sticks the baby inside a hospital trashcan. A woman blows away her son after a stabbing attempt failed. And a fine lady “spreads the love with a hug” before she proceeds to rob someone. And the winner is?


  131. Anon, Dredd-

    We tend to be more of a discussion forum than a bulletin board. Pls re-send link, but w/a paragraph of yr own commentary. Thank you.


  132. not so french1:52 PM

    A very sick video has come out of Israel, a soldier raping a palestinian prisoners whike other soldiers are blocking the camera with their shields
    Israelis as usual are debating whether to legalise this.
    The head of Hezbollah gave a speech two days ago, in it he stated that the "resistance axis" is in an existential war with Israel. He stated that the US is talking about the twi states solution on the surface while sabotaging it under the surface. He reminded the listeners of the Israeli parliment's vote against the establishment of the Palestinian state, the call for nuking Gaza by the an israeli minister and the recent comment by the Israeli finance minister on how it is sad that the world won't let Israel starve Gazans to death. and he reminded multiple times of the US envolvlent. We may be witnessing the beginning of something big. The mid ezst may become the Germanic tribes to the US empire.

  133. Kel-

    Sorry, cdn't run it. More than half a pg is a no-no.


    Yes, it's been in the news, and the rt-wing rioted over the investigation into the rape. All of what you've reported seems correct. Meanwhile, I'm working on a sequel to my "Sadism" essay, and shd be able to post it w/in 2 or 3 wks. It updates the horror show. Israel is a v. sick society, and is the process of committing suicide. Like America.


  134. I just learned that Scott Ritter's house was raided by the FBI:


    This just reinforces my suspicion that we don't need to wait for the election of Trump for fascism to come to America.

  135. ccg-

    The dumber America behaves, the faster its collapse. As Gore Vidal famously remarked: "We never learn anything. It's part of our charm."


  136. Sicker and sicker:


    What a collection of scumbags the American gov't is.


  137. Wafers-
    Here's a gd essay:
    It contains this crucial sentence:
    "Popular emotion is the Achilles heel of democracies."
    But the question the author fails to address is this: What if the people are stupid?

  138. Flyingspaghettimonstr1:56 PM

    US credit card delinquency rates has hit levels not seen in 12 yrs.


    So what’s Thanksgiving & Shitmas going to look like this yr? Are Amerikkkans going to somehow keep the pretense alive that they are not flat broke? I’m glad I never felt the need to try & impress folks since that is why most Amerikkkans are in debt. They're busy checking each other out to see who has the most expensive designer label on their shirts, pants, shoes, purses, and so forth. Yet they're loaded with maxed out credit cards. What a front!

  139. Fish-

    I guess yr new to this blog. We are not interested in opinions. What we look for is evidence: links, reliable refs, and so on. You didn't provide any.


  140. Kelvin12:48 PM

    Although I'm citing an opinion piece, I'm doing so for an idea it contains, namely, that a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine has become moot. Instead, some Jewish intellectuals, some of them former Israelis, are advocating a return to a stateless comportment for Jews, in short, a return to and acceptance of the diaspora. Perhaps it's the only solution that can save what's left of humane behavior on the part of Israelis?


  141. Kel-

    I cdn't open the link. But at this point, nothing can save the Israelis. They sealed their own fate.


  142. Dragon5:11 PM

    The "ultra-rationalism" of Silicon Valley utopianism is so intensely religiose. Also scary, as I guess most religious zealotry is.


  143. Dewey6:21 PM

    Why Trump is winning outside of AmericaHis support base extends from China to Gaza


    I’ve learned about how Democrats talk about our global reputation is they mean Europe. As long as Europe like us, everything is good. But Biden has harmed US reputation in the global south the past ten months.

  144. Dragon-

    Check out ch. 3 of WAF.


  145. Geller8:05 PM

    Dragon and MB:

    On a related note, it isn't a stretch to say social media is a mind-altering drug, and Elon Musk has got dangerously high on his own supply. He has gone what ex-wife Talulah Riley called 'king-crazy' and his distempers affect the entire body-politic, this essay is good on this :

    Elon Musk, mad god-emperor of Mars - by Jules Evans

  146. Geller-

    Musk is a colossal horse's ass. I guess millions of Americans admire him.


  147. I might have to reevaluate my opinion of
    Tulsi Gabbard. Recently the Biden/Schamala fascist government put her on the terrorist watch list, and gives her special surveillance if she travels on a plane.
    In that old adage , " the enemy of my enemy is my friend" than perhaps she is not as bad as we thought. As the late Edward Abbey said, " If the government has a shit list, I want to be on it."


  148. Clay-

    I hafta agree. If Schmiden and Schmamala, two rancid bags of douche fluid, regard her as a terrorist, then she's gotta have something going for her.

  149. Scumbag Nation:

    US decides not to restrict military aid to Israeli unit accused of human rights violations | CNN Politics

    US releases $3.5 billion to Israel to spend on US weapons and military equipment, months after Congress appropriated | CNN Politics

  150. not do french12:06 PM

    An Israeli newspaper just dropped a piece in which it exposed the IDF for using civilians as human shields, highr echelons of the IDF were aware of it.


    The original in hebrew if anyone speaks it:

    Aljazeera arabic made a report on the subject a long while ago, with footage from israeli soldiers cameras, but nobody cared at the time. I'll share the link if I find it.

    Disgusting, sadistic, unjust, etc. I view it from a different lense. A nation that antigonises 400 millions of its neighbors can never live at peace, or even exist for long. Israelis are not only violent, they're also highly stupid.

  151. Michael LeBlanc2:50 PM

    Hey Wafers, this has been all over internet, so many of you have probably already seen it. Why did America fail? One big reason--Many or most people can't get adequate, affordable health care and are sick, sick, sick and tired.

    France, not a perfect country by any means, but like ALL OTHER civilized countries, lets people go to the Dr. usually without digging into food or rent money.
    In U.S...."The report found that more than 40% of U.S. athletes paid for health care out of pocket, averaging to about $9,200 per person. More than a quarter of athletes said they earned less than $15,000 per year."

    "The United States is the only developed country without universal healthcare, so while the idea may not be novel to Europeans, it was something that stuck with Ramsey. "Her expanded videos are all over--you can google them if interested.

  152. I have published this story just 3 days ago and Americans go nuts. https://archive.ph/LrZeQ. Another thing, why they are so excited about Kamala, she is dumber than Trump. Here is an article about her from The Atlantic https://archive.ph/IH5sb. Americans dumber than I thought.

  153. Liv-

    Gd story, thanks.
