Dear Friends,
Sometimes I get letters from you guys asking where and when I'm next going to be giving a lecture. As you can imagine, that doesn't happen very often. First, I'm terribly shy; and second, I'm about as popular in the US as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright (remember him?). But once in a while, I do emerge from my cave. So here's the info: I'm speaking at a conference on "debt," being held at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, on May 1st. Actually, it's two days, April 30 and May 1, but I'm speaking there the afternoon of May
1, something like 2 p.m. So if you live in the Midwest, and want to stop by, feel free. (There may be a large contingent with baskets of rotten fruit in attendance, so I probably need all the support I can get. Well, perhaps not.) The title of my talk is "Is Debt the New Karma? Why America Finally Fell Apart." Cheery and upbeat, as with most of my stuff. By the way, there is a lot of good material on the program, judging by the various titles, so there's more reason to attend than just hearing from moi.
Hasta la vista etc...