January 30, 2016


Dear Wafers,

Probably time to start another thread. The publishing biz continues to limp along. The Man Without Qualities, my new novel, is tentatively scheduled for release on Feb. 15, but in my experience these things can drag on longer than expected. Nevertheless, the publisher is keen on getting it out, so fingers crossed for meeting the deadline. They are also trying to find a venue for a reading--I'll be in NY April 2-7--and I'll let you all know how that turns out. ("The Berm Returns to NY! Crowds Go Insane (Again)!") Just want to add that if there are enough of you guys in or near NY who want to arrange for a 3rd NY Wafer Summit Meeting, I'm game. Just write me at mauricio@morrisberman.com, expressing your interest, and if we can manage to get 7 people together, I'll write you back with time and place.

SSIG is scheduled for republication, but (different publisher) several snags have been holding it up. Not good. But sooner or later, it'll be back on the shelves, hopefully before summer. Then, I'll turn my attention to getting Counting Blessings reissued as well.

So that's the news from Lake Wobegone, though I should add that I've been doing classes in yoga and pilates, going to the gym, and playing tennis, and am now ready to take on 3 Israeli commandos with my bare hands. Although I'd prefer to use them to wring Hillary's neck. Jesus, we're facing 8 years of pure douchebaggery, a face so grotesque only a mother could love it. I keep wondering if she sprays it each morning with polyurethane.

So onward, Dear Wafers, toward the 10th anniversary of the greatest blog in the history of the world!
