June 13, 2015


Dear Wafers:

Well, every day brings more news of the American collapse: the cops shoot more unarmed civilians, the citizenry gets dumber and dumber, the media get increasingly excited about a meaningless election that is nearly 1.5 years away, and the progs predict that revolution or dramatic, positive social change is just around the corner. As Wafers and NMI's, we sit back and enjoy the show.

I have been doing interviews here and there, and was hoping to provide you guys with some links by now. But these things always take longer than anticipated, so let me just label this post 244 and hope that I can deliver something more substantive within the next month. Meanwhile, those of you in the NY area might want to mark September 7 on your calendar (Labor Day), when I'll be speaking about my Japan book at the Bluestockings Bookstore at 7 p.m. Also, I have been accumulating names for the Second New York City Wafer Summit Meating & Lunch, tentatively for Sept. 6, time and place TBA (possibly Madison Square Garden, but we'll have to see what attendance is like as the date approaches). Those of you who are interested should contact me via e-mail, and I'll add you to the list.

Other than that, I hope you are all having a good summer. If you keep in mind that Americans have fried rice in their heads, you can't go wrong.
