October 26, 2017

Hold Off for a Week, Amigos


Currently on the road. Access to Internet iffy. Returning to Mexico on Nov. 2. If you cd all hold off posting until Nov. 3, I'd really appreciate it. Many thanks.



  1. Some TAC remarks on ignorance of history of most American citizens were the lead quote on a recent CounterPunch article by playwright John Steppling. Check it out at


  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Trying to get info on your speech tonight, in order to attend - It's not on Thomas More's calendar, and the switchboard has been no help so far. Any location info would be appreciated. Thomas More is Catholic - you didn't end up on the Index Orationum Prohibitorum by any chance did you?
    Sorry for posting at short notice, but this seems the only avenue left.

    Clueless in Cincinnati

  3. Anon-

    Pls note that I don't post Anons. You need a real handle. As for Thos More, if you had emailed me a week ago, I cd have given you the info on where and when. Lecture is over; students went wild, began biting each other just to calm down. You missed the lecture of the century.


  4. Student of Waferism2:56 AM

    So apparently JFK was assessinated by more than one person and the government was aware. I guess the question is why?

    And Dr Berman, I know you don't like discussion conspiracies but the JFK thing made me wonder. If the nazi were possibly communicating with their god, or at least hitler, why can't Jews? Wouldn't this explain their obsession with "the promised land"? Considering how well hidden their vertical practices were even when they were interacting with the Greeks thousands of years ago. Of course I know the average Jew would know nothing of this


    "Are We There Yet" is currently listed on Amazon for $27. DO NOT BUY IT. Price is supposed to be $16. I have just written the publisher, asking them to correct it.

    Amazon also omitted the endorsement of Prof. McDougall at Penn. Here it is:

    "I have an exclusive hall of fame for “truth-tellers” who possess the clairvoyance, intelligence, erudition, age, and integrity to discern and witness to truths. This potpourri of cutting cultural criticism from a brilliant polymath demonstrates anew why Berman belongs in my hall."

    Walter A. McDougall
    Pultizer Prize-winning historian, University of Pennsylvania

    Hope this helps.


  6. Marianne12:07 PM


    Omitting Prof. MDougall's comments is significant. Getting everything straight with publishers must be a mess! In any case McDougall got it right.


  7. That's a perfectly worded endorsement of your work en toto MB

    ps this is WAFer-like

    The Catalan Integral Cooperative: an organizational study of a post-capitalist cooperative https://cooperativa.cat/en/


  8. Samantga2:33 PM


    Warm Re-enchantment from Cold War!

  9. Blackout7:49 AM


    Locke died a couple days ago on 1704

    HE WHO MADE AMERICAN *REASON* ... where did that go

  10. Wafers-

    Bk now selling for $16. Enjoy!


  11. Bought "Are We There Yet" from Amazon. Looked for it on AbeBooks. Don't use Amazon unless can't find a book anywhere else. Amazon is the WalMart of book selling. Bad for consumers, writers and publishers. Not to mention their workers. But, alas, what is one to do when the book one wants to read is available only on their website? Nevertheless, look forward to reading your thoughts on the Great Spiral Downward into Decay.

  12. https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/29/why-we-need-a-21st-century-martin-luther-to-challenge-church-of-technology-95-theses

    Interesting fact though, that it also looked like the Catholic Church would be the big winner of printing press. Indulgences were first to be mass-printed.

    But we do need a savior, in these Times. Or theses

  13. Lots of Animals walking around America today...that’s why I’ve hunkered down into NMI mode...in the middle of San Diego!


  14. Wafers-

    Still in NY. Brief report on Wafer Summit:

    Abt 75 of us gathered at the Pie in the Sky Restaurant in the Village. The kitchen brought out a pie for each person, and we agreed not to use utensils. At a given signal, everyone rammed their faces into their pie, and commenced gobbling it up. It soon degenerated into a food fight. Quite a scene. Meanwhile, 100s of people tried to get into the restaurant, wanting desperately 2b Wafers. They were cruelly rebuffed. We discussed the JFK assassination, current admin indictments, Kim's haircut, my new bk, and of course, Trumpi. A gd time was had by all.


  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    MB, Wafers,

    Apologies for posting before your return from the World's Greatest Summit, but this is the best analysis I've read on the latest sexual harassment witch hunt:


    Much recommended.


  16. Needless to say, it was wonderful to see you again and have just ordered your book. Please, don't it be your last. I think we can conclude that NYC is the epicenter of techno-douchebaggery. Even in a pouring rain people wore earphones. Isn't there a chance of being electrocuted? On the train back to Philadelphia 2 people missed their stop I assume because they were absorbed in tech-crap. I think if I see one more instance of a child trying to get his or her parents' attention as the parent is on a phone I may go postal.
    Again, if you have time, try to see Prince on Broadway. I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy it. Also, try to take a walk along the High line if you have not already. It actually starts at the Whitney and ends at the Javits Center. Have a safe trip back. After all, you are precious cargo.

  17. https://youtu.be/lldKsHpPpBI

    Published on Oct 27, 2017

    On October 15, Venezuelans went to the polls for its gubernatorial election. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela won 18 out of 23 states.

    It was a resounding democratic defeat for the opposition movement, the US Empire and corporate media, all which have asserted for months that the Maduro government is so unpopular that foreign-led regime change was needed.

    In Caracas, Venezuela, Abby Martin sat down with Professor Chris Gilbert to understand why the Chavez movement remains so strong in Venezuela despite all the attacks, the history behind it, and the threats it faces today.

    Gilbert is a historian and professor of political science at the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela. His articles on the struggle in Venezuela appear on CounterPunch.org and more.

    FOLLOW // @EmpireFiles // @AbbyMartin // @telesurenglish

  18. Wafers-

    Sad, sad day in NY, Halloween. Terrorist attack was just a few blocks from my hotel, altho at the time I was on the other side of town, doing interview with RT Television Network (will post link when I have it). 5 guys from Argentina here to celebrate h.s. reunion, get blown away. 8 people wake up in morning with no idea that this is their last day on earth. Of course, as I keep saying, this is not the last of it. We are reaping what we sowed. Unfortunately, it's the innocents who die.

